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Meta-layer of Web3 Social



Cell Protocol is a sufficiently composable&scalable 3-D social graph, that makes building a social network and bridging Web2 users to Web3 much easier while enabling permission-less development.

  • Sufficiently composable&scalable

    Designed for Web3 social, Cell Protocol created an unprecedented 3-D Social Graph as the meta-standard with simplicity, realizing horizontal&vertical scalability and making cross-network communication much easier.

  • Anonymity for everyone

    Cell protocol solves identity aggregation's pain point, that users face privacy breaches while linking all of their addresses to their DID. Leveraging ZK, proof NFTs like badges can be issued to aggregate reputation and achievement in an anonymous way.

  • True social identity

    Based on smart contracts, Cell protocol enables unique and untransferable DSID(decentralized social identity) by mapping an immutable ID number to addresses fully controlled by the user, giving users self-sovereignty over their identity.

  • Community-driven governance

    An ingeniously designed on-chain governance system is the foundation of a decentralized future. All holders have a voice and can participate in proposals for defining unused social relation sections autonomously.

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